Mission & Objective

General and Specific Objective

To advance education by providing books, equipment, and educational aids to students attending school in East Harage and West Harage in the Oromiya Region, Ethiopia.

To advance education by providing publicly available scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of financial assistance to students in Ethiopia to be used for elementary, secondary, or post-secondary education.

General Objectives

To Improve the standard of life of Ethiopian children and young adults, who currently live below the poverty level, by increasing the availability, basic education, and sponsorship. Our goals are to achieve the following:

  • To improve the livelihoods of 3,700 low living students.
  • To provide educational support for 4,780 students and OVC
  • To intervene in the construction of one school accommodating from KG to high school consisting of library and laboratories with an enrollment capacity of 500 students per year. Moreover, dormitory and meal service will be provided for 300 students who came from remote areas. To facilitate scholarships opportunities as an educational intervention carried out on yearly bases for undergraduate and postgraduate students from OVC.
  • To build a more sustainable way of life in Ethiopia and Africa as a whole by decreasing poverty.
  • To give hope to disadvantaged and vulnerable children through basic education.
  • To give students basic education and scholarship.
  • To empower disadvantaged children hopes to build a more positive and stronger world.

In Canada Vision and Mission

  • To build the black community, anti racism, networking with diverse community and expose to a variety of culture
  • Strengthen the governance and organization management of THACA for the better service of immigrant Black Africans in Canada
  • Help the African newcomer youth, so they are not confused by the western values and beliefs
  • Help African newcomer with the language barriers that make it difficult to communicate with other
  • Language interpretation and support with registration, intake meeting, parent meeting, parent teacher conference, conflict resolution
  • Cultural awareness building with families, school staff, newcomer, youth
  • Preparation for the work opportunity
  • Youth leadership and mentorship opportunities and training
  • Connect youth and families to their communities in Calgary, both inside and outside of school
  • Empower youth, parents and school to achieve success academically and socially to foster a sense of belonging

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